Pawsome Organics
Cocomeric Organic Coconut Oil with Turmeric 寵物有機薑黃椰子油 450ml
可以幫助 (貓 ,狗,特别是老年犬及一般動物 包括小動物 ) 的以下情況:
- 關節炎
- 癌症
- 過敏
- 皮膚狀況的問題
- 幫忙心血管健康
- 特別是大型犬的髖關節痛
- 只需每天在他們的餐點加上一次,亦可視為治療傷口的天然良方。
- 適合 : 貓狗 老年犬,一般動物,小動物合用
- Certified Organic 有機認證
- Made in Australia 澳洲生產
- Plant Based 植物性
Are you after a way of getting the benefits of coconut oil and turmeric together? This is it!
Not only will the coconut oil likely make your pet’s food irresistible, but because it’s a medium-chain fatty acid (MCFA), the oil will be directly absorbed into the GI tract and go straight to the liver, where it metabolizes into energy for your pooch and may help ease or even prevent physical and digestive issues. Some studies have shown that feeding your pet a diet that includes MCFAs can actually help decrease the size of fat depots and possibly even help prevent weight gain—and all while providing your pet with a boost of energy to help improve athletic performance and stamina.
The turmeric, has been infused into the coconut oil along with black peppercorns. It’s all Organic, Extra Virgin, Cold Pressed, Raw and Unrefined (you know, the good stuff!) but also has a hit of curcumin in each jar!
Turmeric has been used for centuries for its anti-inflammatory and cleansing properties – so together, it’s a perfect health pairing!
While coconut oil is generally safe for dogs, some canines may have an allergic reaction to the supplement. Additionally, giving a dog too much coconut oil in the diet could result in diarrhea. Please be aware when giving coconut oil to dogs prone to pancreatitis, as it can be a risk due to its high fat content.